Cao najbolji moji!
Sigurno ste videli na instagramu kako ljudi pricaju o ovim spravicama. Pa mislim da je ovo odlicna stvarica za lice, kosu i telo. Vec sam pisala o sajtu na ovom blog postu blog post. U ovom postu mozete da procitate sta mi se to dopada sa njihovog sajta. Imaju free shipping trenutno tako da bacite pogled na proizvode.
Hi my best!
You must have seen on instagram people talking about these gadgets. Well, I think this is a great thing for face, hair and body. I already wrote about on this blog post blog post. In this post you can read what I like about their site. They have free shipping right now so take a look at the products.
Roler za lice, mozete da birate duzinu iglica, sto je odlicno, mislim da je 0,5 odlicna velicina za lice. Roler moze da se koristi i za lice, telo i kosu. Na telu je poput pilinga sto se meni dopada, podspesuje cirklulaciju. Na kosi podsepsuje rast kose, mislim da je ovo odlicna stvar i da svako treba da je proba i koristi. Nije bolno a iglice su male tako da nista necete ni osetiti. Preporucuje se za svaki tip koze.
Sto se tice pakovanja, sve je dezinfikovano i dolazi bas lepo upakovano. Ne moze da se ostetiti prilikom transporta. Bas su pazljivi povodom toga. Sve je fabricki zapakovano a na vasu adresu dolazi vrlo brzo. Nemate problema sa carinom i postom jer paze i na to. A sada je free shipping pa je jos jednostavnije da narucite. Pogledajte ovde click here
Face roller, you can choose the length of the needles, which is great, I think 0.5 is a great size for the face. The skate can also be used for face, body and hair. It's on the body like a scrub that I like, it stimulates circulation. It stimulates hair growth on the hair, I think this is a great thing and everyone should try and use it. It's not painful and the needles are small so you won't feel anything. Recommended for each skin type.
As for the packaging, everything is disinfected and comes in a nice package. It cannot be damaged during transport. They are very careful about that. Everything is factory packed and is coming to your address very soon. You have no problem with customs and fasting because they keep an eye on it. And now it's free shipping so it's even easier to order. click here
Uz serum je bolje da se koristi, pronasla sam ovaj na sajtu, ima ih jos nekoliko pa mozete da pogledate ovde clik here. Koristim i sama serume i znam koliko je to bitno za nasu kozu, da bi bila sjajna i hidrirana pogotovo zdrava. Serum koji odlicno ide uz roler, mozete da ih nabavite na sajtu.
Serum is better to use, I found this one on the site, there are a few more so you can check out a clik here. I use serums myself and know how important it is for our skin to keep it bright and hydrated, especially healthy. Serum that goes great with roller skates, you can get them on the site.
Kao sto vec svi znate obozavam sheet maske za lice, rado ih kupujem i koristim. Ovo je pakovanje od 10 maskica sto je odlicno! Nega je najbitnija! Mislim da je ovo super prilika da isprobate sada pogotovo sto je free shipping. Pakovanje je super, bas mi se dopada. Mozete da pogledate ovde click here. Posle tretamana, sigurno ce imati neke reakcije na roler zato je bitno da se hidrirate i ostanete zdravi svezi. Zato su tu sheet maske koje ce to pruziti. Mislim da je ovo odlican tretman koji bi svakoj zeni odgovarao.
As you all know, I love sheet face masks, I'm happy to buy and use them. This is a pack of 10 masks which is great! Care is the most important! I think this is a great opportunity to try now especially since it is free shipping. The packaging is great, I really like it. You can look here click here. After the treatment, there will certainly be some reactions to the roller coaster so it is important to keep yourself hydrated and stay healthy. That is why there are sheet masks that will provide this. I think this is a great treatment that would suit every woman.
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2 Коментари
This is such a detailed and informative post. I've heard a lot of people talking about this but wasn't really sure if it was for me. Thank you for this!
Thanks <3
ИзбришиHvala na komentaru! <3
Thank you for your comment! <3